Monday, June 15, 2009


Keystroke logging (often called keylogging) is the practice of noting (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. There are numerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware- and software-based to electromagnetic and acoustic analysis.

Software-based keyloggers

These are software programs that are designed to work on the target computer’s operating system. From a technical perspective there are four categories:

  • Hypervisor-based: The keylogger can theoretically reside in a malware hypervisor running underneath the operating system, which remains untouched, except that it effectively becomes a virtual machine. See Blue Pill for a conceptual example.
  • Kernel based: This method is difficult both to write and to combat. Such keyloggers reside at the kernel level and are thus difficult to detect, especially for user-mode applications. They are frequently implemented as rootkits that subvert the operating system kernel and gain unauthorized access to the hardware which makes them very powerful. A keylogger using this method can act as a keyboard driver for example, and thus gain access to any information typed on the keyboard as it goes to the operating system.
  • Hook based: Such keyloggers hook the keyboard using functionality provided by the operating system for applications to subscribe to keyboard events legitimately. The operating system notifies the keylogger each time a key is pressed and the keylogger simply records it.
  • Passive Methods: Here the coder uses operating system APIs like GetAsyncKeyState(), GetForegroundWindow(), etc. to poll the state of the keyboard or to subscribe to keyboard events. These are the easiest to write, but where constant polling of each key is required, they can cause a noticeable increase in CPU usage and can miss the occasional key. A more recent example simply polls the BIOS for preboot authentication PINs that have not been cleared from memory.[1]
  • Form Grabber based logs web form submissions by recording the web browsing .onsubmit event functions. This records form data before it is passed over the internet and bypasses https encryption.

Remote access software keyloggers

These are local software keyloggers programmed with an added feature to transmit recorded data out of the target computer and make the data available to the monitor at a remote location. Remote communication is facilitated by one of four methods:

  • Data is uploaded to a website or an ftp account.
  • Data is periodically emailed to a pre-defined email address.
  • Data is wirelessly transmitted by means of an attached hardware system.
  • It allows the monitor to log into the local machine via the internet or ethernet and access the logs stored on the target machine.

Hardware-based keyloggers

Hardware-based keyloggers do not depend upon any software being installed as they exist at a hardware level in a computer system.

  • Firmware-based: BIOS-level firmware that handles keyboard events can be modified to record these events as they are processed. Phyical access or root-level access is required to machine, and the software loaded into the BIOS needs to be created for the specific hardware that it will be running on.
  • Keyboard hardware: Hardware keyloggers are used for keystroke logging by means of a hardware circuit that is attached somewhere in between the computer keyboards and the computer, typically inline with the keyboard's cable connector. More stealthy implementations can be installed or built into standard keyboards, so that there's no device visible on the external cable. Both types logs all keyboard activity to their internal memory, which can subsequently be accessed, for example, by typing in a secret key sequence.[2] A hardware keylogger has an advantage over a software solution; because it is not dependent on installation on the target computer's operating system, it will not interfere with any program running on the target machine and also cannot be detected by any software. However its physical presence may be detected, for example if it's installed outside the case as an inline device between the computer and the keyboard. Some of these implementations have the ability to be controlled and monitored remotely by means of a wireless communication standard.[citation needed]

Wireless keyboard sniffers

These are passive sniffers collect packets of data being transferred from a wireless keyboard and its receiver. As encryption may be used to secure the wireless communications between the two devices, this may need to be cracked before if the transmissions are to be read.

Keyboard overlays

Criminals have been known to use keyboard overlays on ATM machines to capture people's PINs. Each keypress is registered by the keyboard of the ATM as well as the criminal's keypad that is placed over it. The device is designed to look like an integrated part of a the machine so that bank customers are unware of its presence.[3]

Acoustic keyloggers

Acoustic cryptanalysis can be used to monitor the sound created by someone typing on a computer. Each character on the keyboard makes a subtly different acoustic signature when stroked. It is then possible to identify which keystroke signature relates to which keyboard character via statistical methods such as frequency analysis. The repetition frequency of similar acoustic keystroke signatures, the timings between different keyboard strokes and other context information such as the probable language in which the user is writing are used in this analysis to map sounds to letters. A fairly long recording (1000 or more keystrokes) is required so that a big enough sample is collected.[citation needed]

Electromagnetic emissions

It is possible to capture the electromagnetic emissions of a keyboard, without being physically wired to it.[4]

Optical surveillance

Not a keylogger in the classical sense, but an approach that can nonetheless be used to capture passwords or PINs. A strategically placed camera, such as a hidden surveillance camera at an ATM, can allow a criminal to watch a PIN or password being entered.[5]

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